Corona has changed the world so much so that the World is not going to be the same again. We will all be living in a new world-order after this lockdown is over. I will talk particularly about the STUDY and TEACHING Space.
The schools have already taken initiative of imparting the classes online. My 6 year-old kid is sitting in chair for 3 hours before video streamed classes every day for a month now.
The colleges and universities too have to adopt the same pattern sooner or later. So, what are you waiting for, switch your learning and livelihood all to online? Accept the reality and move on!
I have always emphasized many times to you all that Internet and YouTube are your biggest learning resources but only if you can learn how to use them properly. Interesting part is that the internet and YouTube both themselves teach you how you will use them to your best advantages. Tools are teaching you how you can make use of them!
Am I Able to Put Across My Message to You as to How Powerful Tool Internet is for Your Career?
See, my point is that you can ask the internet even how you will use it to your ends. Let me explain you this: say, you are not very sure how you to use the Internet in most productive ways for yourself. So, you would open the browser and can start searching generic queries like:
“How to use Internet for your online studies”
“Using Internet for Study during Corona Time”
“Best use of YouTube for learning a Skill”
“What Skills Necessary to survive Corona Crisis”
“NCERT book pdf”
And then to being more specific
“How to give maths Tuition Classes online”
“NCERT History class IX”
“Concepts of thermodynamics”
“How to write effective blog posts”
“How to drive traffic to my website” and so on and so forth.
Moreover, you will be able to perform all these searches by going directly to YouTube also. If you are having smartphone, the YouTube app works Just like a browser itself. Launch it and you are good to go.
Internet Can Overwhelm You with the Amount of Information available
Yes, this is the flip side of the learning from Internet. You might very soon get distracted if you have not jotted down beforehand what topic you actually want to search and master. Importantly, this is not the problems of beginners only; the problem is faced by veterans also who have been working online for quite some time too. But over the time they have developed a certain level of mental discipline that enables them digging deeper into the very topic they once started out with and avoid going wide with distractions.
In fact, the problem with human’s mind is that it has a tendency look for something new every moment. If you are reading an article on ancient history and a google ad is displaying on the very same page saying as “The Lies Behind Corona” you are tempted to click that Ad and then you are redirected to a different page altogether.
More dangerous could be clicking to an adult stuff ad on your page or deliberately having a feel to check with. These can be destroying your time and career both.
To stop yourself getting swayed with eye catching ads or urge to click on something new a very STRONG Self- discipline is required. This self- discipline comes from your everyday practice. Sooner or later you would need this self- discipline so the early you master it, the better it is for you.
The best way of developing a SELF CONTROL over the temptation of going distracted is defining a goal of writing every day. Say a 3000- 40000 world article a day. Make it habit to finish the article within single day itself. I am sure you will not have to allow your mind to wander, simple! This works for me and will work for too.
I am a man of different kind of temptation, it is called Intellectual Entertainment. Meaning, I would go on drifting for hours following a topic that might lead me to altogether a different topic. But when I sit with written Goals of Writing something of certain length, I find no time to drift.
In the space of online learning you are your own teacher and student both and no one will sit on your head to guide you, so you better first learn sticking to a Topic and keep working on it until you finish it.
Being Able to Buy Attention of a Number of People Means a Career for You
You may wonder that any advertisement, even a porn /adult stuff on the web has been purposely placed on the web by someone behind to consolidate his/her career at the expense of your time & money. Everyone on the web is highly opportunistic and wants to buy your attention in order to build his/ her career. The hard hitting fact of the adult Industry is that the actors working into it are there purely for money. Had they got better option they would have switched. Take the example of Sunny Leone one of the contestants of past Big boss seasons. Once she got assignments into the main stream TV and Bollywood she gave up her past profession and now living a settled life with her Husband and three adopted kids. She is running YouTube Channels, Reality Shows and E Commerce sites too. My Idea is wherever this actor goes, she is only after her career, her family and her parents. She is very honest to her profession whatsoever she takes up to. She doesn’t care for how others are wasting their time just to find later that she is no more in the Adult Industry.
Everyone is making money by buying your attention so why not you. Of course, your area of speciality (NICHE) will be different and yours own. For instance, if you are writing Good articles and making Quality videos which are ranking in Google search you are also able to buy people’s attention and hence your career and livelihood will be taken care of.
Why I have taken the example of Sunny is that she was once in 2014 most searched term on Google even more than PM Narendra Modi.
The More you are searched on Google the Bigger Career you own. Mind that, it is not necessarily your name that has to be searched most. It could also be about the content that you make or create for instance Article/ video. For more number of searches you content comes up in Google You earn more and you are better placed in career ladder. As simple as that
A more relevant example on that would be like: lets say you write on “Work From Home” and your articles come up in Google’s first page for this keyword search. Now because your articles are now able to grab attention of millions of people you have made a career out of it.
Internet is SOLUTION to Your EVERY PROBLEM and a Pandora Box Too.
Yes, if you learn using Internet wisely it can make you a Billionaire, a Celebrity or Else, it can also throw you into deep crisis. The deep crisis of poor attention, addiction of porn watching, sleeplessness, depression and anxiety and what not?
Why Not to Become a Billionaire?
Before I explain you why you should aspire becoming one, I’ll give you few guiding principles that I seriously believe in.
- If you are born poor, it is not your fault, but if you die poor it is certainly yours.
- There is no dearth of money in the world; there is limit to your imaginations.
- It is not that when you become rich others get Poor. In fact, as you grow richer, life styles of many others is automatically raised. Total money is not in fixed amount so it is not that when you start more other are left with less. Money doesn’t work this way. In fact, more people start contributing in the economy there is MORE for EVERYONE.
- Money Education /Financial Education are different from studying physics, maths or history.
- Financial Education is not provided in Schools for Teachers themselves do not know how the WEALTH is created.
- After doing One’s 10 th, one should start educating themselves about Finances and money as mere study of academic books gives you no guarantee to getting rich. Try to get closer to the one who is millionaire or Billionaire. The easiest way is to read books written by them to map their thought process.
- LOVE the rich people and do LEARN how they make money. You cannot get rich while hating them.
- 99% of rich are generous people they do give back to society more in many different ways you do not even think about.
- 80% are self-made Billionaires, so you stand better chances of getting rich even if your parents are not rich.
- The Rich are only different in their thought Process, they think and do act differently. If you can copy them you can also get rich. It is a LEARNING process.
90% of the money involved in the businesses of Ultra Rich People are either public money or Bank loans. And mind that before giving you a Rs 100Cr loan, the bank never asks you about your % marks in academics. Banks see you balance sheet – A statement that shows details of Money coming in and Going out in broader terms.
It Boils down that getting uber rich would depend upon your skill of mobilizing loans for your business empire which in turn depends upon your skill of making your balance sheet look HEALTHY. Balance sheet looks healthy when MORE COMES IN and less goes out and NOT the Contrary. (To begin with You must read: RICH DAD – POOR DAD by Business Author: Robert T Kiyosaki)
How to Get Rich – The Simplest Model- Douglas Krugar Taught Me.
Figure Out ONE PARTICULAR ACTIVITY that brings money to your pocket and Keep doing that daily for long Enough in your life.
Charles M. Schulz, the famous Billionaire cartoonist of America used to spend 1 hour every day in drawing cartoons. These cartoons sold in 10,000 Newspapers and then collection of entire year in a separate magazine.
Successful Bloggers or Renowned authors use few hours everyday in writing at least 2000 words.
Income= Wage Per Hour X No. of Hours, because you cannot increase the number of your working hours beyond a limit so you should raise you value as you advance in life. As you raise your value, think about turning your skills into Enterprise.
Learn how to get the people do for you and expand into business empire. This is the simplest way to come out of generational cycle of poverty. Break open the vicious cycle of seeking job and sticking to it for life. Do teach your children that the resources of world, mechanism, govt, professionals are all there to serve you better.
Same Yardstick May not be Good for Everyone
(i) The one who just did 10th:
Nitish and Jyotish as you are just starting out your career efforts and because you are more technology savvy than your elders at home, you are free to Explore your NICHE. You both already have your own sites and you have Wealthy affiliate as best training resource available across web. But decide on your NICHE fast and keep taking action.. one blog post daily and alongside SEO everyday!
If you cannot decide on your NICHE Yet, start out with the syllabus of UPSC, read thoroughly and post a blog everyday. Better, if you do it chapter-wise and paper-wise, jumping on to every other paper now and then may not help solidifying your knowledge.
Keep a watch on fiverr and Upwork as to what skills are making most money. Learn those skills alongside.
The Corona time and after is not something you will have least choices left for traditional jobs. The crisis is insisting you for a forced entrepreneurship. You start creating job for yourself and others.
(ii) Who are doing UG / PG Degree
Niche decided for is best One for you to work on for multiple reasons. First, you have already got a superficial knowledge of how general studies work and how it can lead to cracking prestigious civil services. As you already have a basic knowledge researching over the Topic on the web and creating articles of your own should not be a difficult Job for you.
Yes Basic SEO and Effective Communication is something you would need mastering along the way. Combined this all you both will have a SOLID alternative career in case you fail to make it to Civil Services.
(iii) You all are at Right Age to Go for IAS/UPSC- It is Upto You However!
My always going after you and haunting you is something will not work in the long run. But I can say with all my confidence that each one of you have the basic temperament of becoming an IAS. Thing is that you will have to follow the path I already outlined above and discussed with you many times earlier.
Alternative Career first. Fall back option first. My idea is this try to become successful at one and you will be successful at others. Success is a habit and so is the failure so make success a habit from the beginning itself.
Blogging gives you the expertise to write a variety of things in most effective way. If you stick with blogging for few years, you kind of become very comfortable in writing on just about anything as you get expert in the language manipulation and this is what UPSC wants.
Secondly, over the 5 years from now you will have created an income stream for yourself that will keep your morale up. I have seen many students losing their morale when after taking two three attempts at UPSC they are not able to make it. We have example of it in our extended family already.
Advantage of having an alternative career is that when you take UPSC you are not fearful of failing at it, you are bold from within and this reflects in your writings at answer paper as well. It is my personal experience that whatever I have done, was all possible because I had already made a back up option. I was never NIL financially. At one point of time in Delhi I even had funded two my roommates in their preparations.
UPSC or Entrepreneurship Both are a Long Haul and Take a ROUTINE Efforts
Both the things drain out your energy as you start working towards, so you would be required maintaining a healthy ROUTINE. A routine in first place that is plausible and doable on a everyday basis. It is following in the simplest terms if I can communicate you:
Listening to any audio or video which inspires you – For 15 minutes before you start your day and before you go to bed. (This raises you in high spirit and brings clarity in your ambitions). English of course, would be the preferred language for listening /watching videos, the reasons are very much obvious to you.
Daily Exercise that sweats you hugely and then Yoga, Pranayam and Meditations- These all activities in your routine promote good physical health, Sharp Memory and mindfulness.
What You All are Missing Out Most, to make Use of?
If I have felt most depressed out of any missing thing in my life was the lack of someone around whom I could approached to, for getting clarity on issues/ confusions going on into my head. The confusions/dilemma of practical life are difficult to be resolved to your satisfaction. Until you have a mentor whom you could really count on for guiding you, your problems are not solved yet. And remember, who can be your best mentor—any family member who has been through all the situations as yours and remains always concerned about you.
My indications are obvious. In your case I qualify being the best of the possible mentor for you. But, unfortunately I am never shared with what is going on into your head and what is holding you back from taking a giant stride in right direction.
What on the earth is the obstacle that is crippling your plans and you feel tied with.? Remember until you share with me your issues, they are going to remain with you and only put down your performances.
I am not among those elders in the family who are least bothered about the inputs from youngsters. I am a parent of 21st century and highly accommodative in thoughts. I guess fear runs in your mind that if you happen to share your issues and if the solution is provided to you, you will be forcibly asked to act upon. If this is the case, it means you are not honest with your problems and hence you are not honest to your career.
Accepting someone as Mentor, means following the advices too! And until you allow this to happen any breakthrough in your life /career is NOT possible.
If not me, get someone else, but I am sure I am not replaceable yet !
Recommended References Mentioned Under Subheadings Above
Link 1: Summary of Rich Dad Poor Dad in Hindi
Link2: Summary of Rich Dad Poor Dad in English
Link 2: Complete Audio Book of Rich Dad Poor Dad
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