Invaluable Credentials On Record- Execution of Bhagat, Rajguru & Sukhdeo

(This post basically was planned for yesterday i.e, 23.03.2019 only, but other engagements caused delay to the tune of change of date by 1 day)

Execution Warrant of Bhagat Singh Here is what the Tribune, Lahore Edition, March 25th wrote!

Here is what the Tribune, Lahore Edition, March 26th wrote!

Criticism of Gandhi on failure to save Bhagat Singh

Gandhi’s failure to secure commutation of Bhagat Singh’s execution is used by Gandhi’s critics an instrument of criticism. Critics accuse him of making half-hearted efforts and even going for a deceptive role. They somehow also see a discrepancy between Gandhi’s actual role and his public statements. Here is an analysis worth sharing that could give a more insights.

Mahatma Gandhi’s work, books, free e-books are available here. Most of the e-books are in pdf and downloadable for free.  I have checked few for myself. It has in fact solved my long time thirst to go through works of Gandhi ji without paying a penny.

Nehru as Misunderstood of late

Like M.K. Gndhi, the first prime Minister Late Pt. Nehru has become most misunderstood freedom fighter. I came across this article here on TRIBUNE which paints Nehru, differently though.


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