How To Improve Your English Speaking With JAM (Just A Minute) Technique

Improving your English speaking with JAM (Just A Minute) technique is being heavily promoted by teaching experts for quite some time. The technique is nothing new but owes root to one of the game show organised on BBC radio that expects the participants to speak “without hesitation, repetition or deviation” for sixty seconds. The idea is so basic that you can use it in improving various skills.

Speaking instantly without hesitation and still sounding logical, meaningful and convincing is something every employer wants you to be good at. Basically, starting out instantaneously to speak requires you to be adept in recollect the ideas, interconnect and synthesize the information in an un-interrupted flow. When there are too many applicants for a position and employer have to screen the best out of the flock, they can use the the JAM technique.

So, How do You Make Use of the Tricks of “Just a Minute”

Just a Minute to improve your English speaking involves using certain steps. In fact, you can use the technique to improve speaking of any foreign language.

For the sake of clarity we break it down in four steps:

  1. Choose any topic, whatsoever to speak on for continuously sixty seconds
  2. Then you identify the piece of idea used in your speaking and write them down. Break down those few ideas in further small pieces
  3. Now you start speaking once again go on speaking for another 60 seconds
  4. Once again recollect all the idea units and try to interconnecting them all in your mind map. Repeat the speaking for yet another 60 second by better synthesizing the information. Use this stage for recording your speech and listen later.

The biggest problem that you might face is the feeling of awkwardness one has in while listening to one’s own speech. If you can overcome this awkwardness and be persistent in your efforts for weeks and months, improvement is bound to follow in. Check this Youtube video for better understanding the concept:

Breaking Down the Topic in major Categories Before You Start:

Few other experts suggest you break down the topic into three – four units, few seconds before you start out. The units could be like: What/How/where, Perception and your take.

For example, take the topic of “Unemployment today”.

So, the breakdown of the topic could be like:

  • What/How/where of the employment
  • Perception- may be misconception of employment
  • Your take on perception

Check this Youtube video wherein you are taught to break down the topic in categories. The video is about how can you become more effective in delivering your speech using JAM technique.

Bonus 1 to JAM: Strategy to Improve English Speaking

If you are really serious in improving your communication skill, I would suggest that you work out on your habits of listening and thinking. If you can once align your listening and thinking pattern properly, the improvement will soon be actualized.

I suggest two videos to be watched:

1. Align your thinking pattern correctly: Check it out in this video !

The essence of the video is here: (i) Get comfortable talking to you on: the activity you are doing, the things you see around, the parts of body you see/touch, mind map of the to-do list in the office/conversation expected with colleagues/clients, an object in your room /office [You can use JAM] (ii) Avoid using Bilingual Dictionary- Use instead, English to English Dictionary (iii) Describe a WORD if you cannot recall that exact word during a conversation. This might feel awkward but it helps (iv) Do write down your experiences on a daily basis in a diary and try being innovative in using the words (v) Create a Mantra in English for example “I am amazing and I am excited about learning more English today” or “I am really proud of all the English that I learned today.” respectively for starting your morning or winding up your day.

2. Three Big Mistakes in Your English Listening: Check it out in this Video!

The essence of this video is here: (i) Listening is not reading.  Do not use your brain during listening an English Conversation in the same manner as you use while reading  (ii) Stop Translating- Do not involve your brain in translating the English conversation in your native language (iii) Expecting 100% comprehending the entire discourse. Its never possible, so better you don’t engage the brain to comprehend 100% of a speech. Just allow the brain get an impression of what is being spoken.

One piece of suggestion though, I would like to place on record that trying to follow too many strategies delays your improvement. Yes, this I can say based on my experiences with many of our colleagues who were ever  into improving their speaking skill. It is therefore advisable that you follow the strategy listed above religiously and you can become unstoppable. ( Disclaimer to my suggestion is that you should not stop reading more and more on phrases, vocabulary etc. )

Bonus 2 to JAM: Anchor Stuff You Could Reckon

The YouTube video can best be utilized by using their Transcription Mode. Just tap the transcription menu of the video and get the maximum benefit out of it.

Note: the Post is Under Update- Please Check back !

Useful Links

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JAM Technique


2 responses to “How To Improve Your English Speaking With JAM (Just A Minute) Technique”

  1. B Shiva Sankar naik Avatar
    B Shiva Sankar naik

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  2. Sundari Avatar

    Super me also interested to speak English

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